I went to San Francisco to explore the Mission District, the Noe Valley District, and the Castro District. I finished the ramble by walking down Market Street to the Ferry Building.
My first destination was
Mission San Francisco de Asís Church, or Mission Dolores Catholic Church, as it is commonly known. I was particularly interested in viewing the small cemetery adjacent to the church. The cemetery, which is on the south side of the church, dates back to the late 1700s. It has been reduced in size; the former cemetery grounds are now covered by a paved playground behind Mission Dolores School. The cemetery is one of the few remaining cemeteries in San Francisco.
I also walked through the Castro District. From the Castro, I walked the 3 or 4 miles down Market Street and finished the ramble at the Ferry Building.
I have divided the number of photographs from the ramble into three photo galleries.
The route of the 1 March ramble. The approximate distance traveled as tracked by GPS was 8.8 miles. The approximate cumulative elevation gain was 652 feet. Mile markers are shown on the route’s track. |
This graph shows the elevation changes encountered during the ramble.
The Woman's Building is located on 18th Street in the Mission District. The cross street is Lapidge Street.
A view of the Woman's Building as seen from Lapidge Street.
Mission Dolores Cemetery. Many of the headstones are difficult to read because of their age. Some, however, are readable. Below are some headstones that are not only readable, but that are also poignant and evocative.
Don Francisco de Haro First Alcalde of San Francisco 1835. Died 1849.
In Memoriam Catherine Stewart, Born in Ayrshire Scotland. Died Dec. 7th 1878. Aged 65 Years. A long illness born with a resignation to the Divine will.
Sacred to the Memory of Charles Henry O'Niell who departed this life Nov 6, 1859. Aged 7 years 3 months & 21 days. The last sad gift which a Mothers love can bestow upon his mortal remains. Calmly sleeping here.
In Memory of James Gallager a native of Donegal, Ireland. Born Feb 1, 1798. Died March 28, 1876. Aged 78 years 28 days.
Sacred to the memory of Edward Oates, Native of Ireland. Died March 1, 1860. Aged 43 years. Also, his wife Mary, a native of Ireland died Dec 26, 1883, aged 63 years. May their souls rest in peace. Erected by their loving daughter Annie Barlow. Died April 16, 1886, Aged 33 years.
Erected by William Atkinson in memory of his affectionate wife Bridget who died June 28, 1853, Aged 33 years. A native of the County Longford, Ireland. Also, his son John, who died November 15, 1851, aged 9 years. May they rest in Peace. Amen.
Here rest the remains of Francisca Granados who was born in Sonora, Mexico. She died on 28 July 1858. She was 33 years old.
Sacred to the memory of Mary, wife of John McNamara. Died Oct 11, 1856. Aged 28 years 10 months. Also, Margaret Hannah daughter of J M McNamara, died Sep 1, 1867, Aged 11 years 10 months. John McNamara died Nov 1, 1871, aged 51 years. A native of County Tipperary. Ireland.
In the cemetery.
A view of a portion of the lovely Helen Diller Playground. The playground, in Mission Dolores Park, opened in April 2012.
Another view of the playground. The Berkeley Hills can be seen in the background, across San Francisco Bay.
A view of Potrero Hill as seen from Sanchez Street in the Upper Mission District.
GO HERE to view part two.
GO HERE to view part three.
"A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.” Dorothea Lange
"Photography has not changed since its origin except in its technical aspects, which for me are not important." Henri Carter-Bresson
"There are always two people in every picture: the photographer and the viewer." Ansel Adams
The first volume of the San Francisco Bay Area Photo Blog contains galleries of photographs that were posted on the Internet between 2002 and 2011. Click Here to view these photo galleries.