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Then A picture of the second version of the Cliff House, as seen from Sutro Heights, circa 1904.

Then Here is another view of the second version of the Cliff House.

Then The beautiful Cliff House was destroyed by fire on 7 September 1907.

Then A view of the Cliff House is seen from near the intersection of Fulton Street and the Great Highway. This photo was taken by W.C. Billington in 1900.
The Cliff House is visible on the left side of this image. Streetcar #38, seen in this picture, was part of a small fleet of streetcars that took passengers, mostly tourists, from downtown San Francisco to the Cliff House.

A view of Ocean Beach looking south, as seen from the Cliff House.

Then The wreck of the S.S. Ohioan at the Cliff House and the remains of the Sutro Baths in October 1936. The ship ran aground on the rocks below Sutro Baths. Five months after the wreck, the remains of the Ohioan caught fire. In December 1937, an ocean storm caused the ship to break apart; by 1939, the vessel's remains were barely visible.
Sand dunes at Ocean Beach.
Ocean Beach.
Feeding the birds at Ocean Beach. The Cliff House can be seen in the distance.
An N-Judah two-car streetcar is turning around at the end of the line on Judah Street at the Great Highway. This view is looking west, towards the ocean. Those are sand dunes rising up behind the streetcar.

Then This picture was taken by Carlton Watkins in 1875. He named the photograph "The Golden Gate from the Cliff House." The beach area was later occupied by the "Sutro Baths."

The S.S. Ohioan ran aground on 8 October 1936 near the Sutro Baths and the Cliff House. The S.S. Ohioan was constructed for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, and it was launched in 1914. The S.S. Ohioan was acquired by the United States Navy on 5 August 1918, after Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States, declared war on Germany on 2 April 1917.

Then This picture was taken by Carlton Watkins in 1875. He named the photograph "The Golden Gate from the Cliff House." The beach area was later occupied by the "Sutro Baths."

The S.S. Ohioan ran aground on 8 October 1936 near the Sutro Baths and the Cliff House. The S.S. Ohioan was constructed for the American-Hawaiian Steamship Company, and it was launched in 1914. The S.S. Ohioan was acquired by the United States Navy on 5 August 1918, after Woodrow Wilson, the President of the United States, declared war on Germany on 2 April 1917.
Now The site of the Sutro Baths.
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"A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera." Dorothea Lange
"Photography has not changed since its origin except in its technical aspects, which for me are not important." Henri Carter-Bresson
"The important thing is not the camera but the eye." Alfred Eisenstaedt
The first volume of the San Francisco Bay Area Photo Blog contains galleries of photographs posted on the Internet between 2002 and 2011. Click Here to view those photos.
A Sony camera was used to take these photographs.
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