The San Francisco Ferry Building was designed in 1892 and its construction was completed in 1898. It is located on the Embarcadero at Market Street.

The South Basin of the Ferry Building.

Acme Bread Company has a retail location in the Ferry Building.

A view of the retail area in the Ferry Building.

A view of San Francisco Bay looking north from the Ferry Building plaza. On the left is Angel Island and in the distance and barely visible, is the Richmond-San Rafael Bridge.

A 1988 bronze sculpture of Mahatma Gandhi created by Ziatko Pounov and Steven Lowe. This statue is located on the Ferry Building plaza.

The Ferry Terminal is in the process of expanding. This photo shows the construction of two new docking facilities in the south basin adjacent to the Ferry Building.

Blue Bottle Coffee has a retail operation in the Ferry Building.

The western span of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge.

A view of the South Basin where additional ferry docking locations are being constructed.

Inside the Ferry Building.

A view from the Ferry Plaza.

Two United States Coast Guard troops. They are assigned to watch over the Ferry Building and protect its visitors.
"A camera is a tool for learning how to see without a camera.” Dorothea Lange
"Photography has not changed since its origin except in its technical aspects, which for me are not important." Henri Carter-Bresson
"The important thing is not the camera but the eye." Alfred Eisenstaedt
The first volume of the San Francisco Bay Area Photo Blog contains galleries of photographs that were posted on the Internet between 2002 and 2011. Click Here to view those photos.
A Sony camera was used to take these photographs.
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