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14 August 2021
A group ramble on San Francisco's Nob Hill and Telegraph Hill: 14 August 2021
03 July 2021
Images from the Point San Pablo Marina, the Richmond Harbor, the Berkeley Marina, Point Isabel, Point Molate, and the Richmond Inner Harbor: May, June, and July 2021.
Click on an image to view the full-size photograph. San Francisco as seen from the Berkeley Marina on 3 July 2021.
This is a view of the Berkeley Pier, with San Francisco and the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge overlooking the scene. The Berkeley Pier was constructed in 1926, and it is 2.5 miles long. Public access to the pier was closed in July 2015 due to safety concerns. This photo was taken from the Berkeley Marina. 3 August 2021.
Angel Island and Sausalito are visible, as is the roadway of the Golden Gate Bridge. The quickly moving fog bank is partially hiding Mount Tamalpais. This photo was taken from the Berkeley Marina, and the view is looking northwest. 3 August 2021.

03 June 2021
Last Supper in Pompeii: The Legion of Honor Museum, San Francisco: 3 June 2021
Excavations in 1984 at Oplontis, near Pompeii, uncovered a vaulted storage room containing more than 60 people who were killed in the eruption. Archaeologists made casts of some of the victims by pouring plaster of Paris into the voids in the ash left by the bodies. One of these was cast in wax and then in resin. This unique, transparent cast shows the bones, skull, and teeth of a woman, as well as the possessions she carried—from gold jewelry to a string of cheap beads. The “Lady of Oplontis,” as she is called, is stronger than the other casts and was, therefore, able to be brought to the San Francisco exhibition.
The exhibition was available for viewing through 29 August 2021.
Click on an image to view the full-size photograph.

07 May 2021
San Francisco – A ramble from the Balboa Park BART station to the Daly City BART station, plus two views of downtown Oakland as seen from the West Oakland BART station: 1 & 7 May 2021
Click on an image to view the full-size photograph.